January 5

​7 Best Tips for Optimal Health and Wellness

Happy New Year - Let's move into our Optimal Health

Achieving optimal health and wellness is the ultimate health goal, but how can this be done, especially if you have long-term health condition? Let’s take a look at how we can set ourselves up to succeed with the following 7 tips.

1. Nourish the Body

Eating a plant-based nutrient-dense foods gives life and invigorates the body. Avoid processed food and instead feel light and bright with simple and nutritious high fibre foods.

Drinking lots of water to keep hydrated will assist towards optimal health and wellness, Starting each morning with a glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon is a great option. Look to make substitutes to any beverage that doesn’t support good health. Also swap coffee for coconut water.

An alternative to a milkshake is the green goodness juice. Green smoothies are also a winner – For Suzanne, smoothies were a big part of her Rheumatoid Arthritis diet. She shared her tips on the podcast about how you can create tasty smoothies easily. Small steps accumulate into big differences!

2. Exercise the Body

Find an exercise that you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to try something new to achieve your optimal health and wellness goals, for example, yoga, Bikram, swimming, dancing, riding a bike, canoeing, hiking, surfing, walking in the park etc.

When exercising, we release endorphins which enhance the mood and also act as a natural stress-reliever, and the movement gets blood pumping around the body.

Exercise has endless benefits for us including fresh oxygen, fresh blood, muscle tone & strength, stamina, flexibility, and release of stress and anxiety. Making exercise part of a daily routine can help the longevity of the good habit.

Placing a favourite activity in a diary reduces the chances that exercise routines will be forgotten. Or setting daily reminders on a phone allows for regular breaks from sitting activities into more active exercise.

3. Exercise the Mind

When working towards optimal health and wellness exercising the mind is important. Taking a break from electronic devices and media related activities can reduce brain fuzz and mental distraction. Research has shown that electronic devices can have a significant impact on sleeping patterns, stress and anxiety. [1]

A new hobby, however, can stimulate the brain. Examples of a new hobby could be learning a new language or enjoying puzzles. Numerous individuals enjoy reading a compelling novel or poetry, or take up a new artistic hobby such as painting or knitting.

4. Rest the Body

Most people have busy schedules with lots of commitments to family, work, and others. It is important however to remember that it is important to rest, recharge and balance the body. A good night’s sleep is essential for optimal health and wellness.

Eating plant-based foods also takes a digestive load away from the body. They digest easily, containing enzymes which assist in the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates and fats into their smaller constituents.

5. Meditation and Mindfulness

Experiencing peace and quiet from the constant chatter of the world is vital. Reducing stress and anxiety is another really important path to achieving optimal health and wellness.

Silent meditation can be an excellent way to quiet the mind. It is a treat that is so divine and amazing and doesn’t cost a single cent. Whether a small child, or those in their golden years, everyone can sit silently for a few minutes.

Meditation doesn’t need to be pre-planned or take a long time. A 5-minute meditation while on a lunch break, in an office, while kids are taking a nap, or in-between studying are all valuable opportunities.

6. Spend Time In Nature

Nothing beats getting back to nature. Spending quiet time in the outdoors is a guaranteed way to find an inner peace and has lots of health benefits both mentally and physically [2]. When outside, it’s easier to put away chores, and release a lot of built-up stress. Electronic devices can also be turned off to focus on a connection to mother nature..

Spending time outside is also essential to soak up the sun for Vitamin D.

Nature’s energy is limitless and is a wonderful rejuvenation for optimal health and wellness. Even those who live in the city can find a local park or green space.

7. Don’t Worry. Be Happy

Don’t worry, be happy are four simple words that have so much meaning. This should be the mantra when working towards a goal to achieve optimal health. Those who can stay focussed in the present moment, enjoying the senses, and not dwelling in the past or worrying about the future are going to be happier.

Writing down worries has been found to reduce their perceived burden for some people. Others find that when there are issues bothering them, talking to someone can be a great way to find solutions or to feel a sense of persepctive.

[1] Atoum, Maysoun & Al-Rawashdeh, Sami & Atoum, Dina & Atoum, Hadeel & Atoum, Rand. (2021). Electronic Devices Use Association with Psychological Distress and Sleep among Adolescents. Electronic Journal of General Medicine. 18. em327. 10.29333/ejgm/11314.

[2] Pretty, Jules. (2004). How nature contributes to mental and physical health. Spirituality and Health International. 5. 68-78. 10.1002/shi.220.


Optimal Health

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