"I Got Off All My Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs And I Can Now Run Again For The First Time In Years!"
Hi I'm Verity,
I want to share my experience with other RA sufferers.
When I first got I got Rheumatoid Arthritis pain most of it was in my feet and hands. Then I went on drugs and the pain subsided for a month or two but then the pain came back even worse (around an 8 out of 10)! and it was dreading through my body. Then my boyfriend Brian bought the Paddison Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis for me and he has been an amazing support throughout the process...
After following the Paddison Program for RA, now i usually sit around 0-3 out of 10 pain and I don't take any drugs at all!
I take turmeric and put it in my juice but thats about it. By following Clint Paddison's suggestions I made SUCH a huge improvement SO quickly, of pain going from 8/10 to about 1/10 (and usually by midday I'm pain free!). The juices and green leafy salads have done this. I can get my body to 0/10 pain but i usually fluctuate between 0-3 due to Bikram yoga (im still working it all out).
I now have very small niggling pains that get better every week at a slower rate, but none the less getting better. They also move around my body frequently and I think this is a good sign. I know they eventually will all go if i stick to the Program and stay active.
I remember the video of Clint running for the fist time in years after healing his knee and I thought I would never be able to do that! Before this video it would have been about two years since i have last run!! We think you guys are amazing! As i said before I had a dramatic pain reduction over the past 6 months thanks to the Paddison Program.
Thanks Clint!
Verity (from Byron Bay Australia)