February 18

Do you know your CRP target?

Clint gives a quick tip on why we should always set a target for our C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and how important it is.

Good day, it’s Clint Paddison here with my little son Aiden, just chilling on the bed. We’re doing a little drawing and I wanted to share with you something a little bit more adult, which was around C-reactive protein. So in this video, I want to talk about your target of C-reactive protein, and why you should always have a target for your C-reactive protein(CRP), and why it matters.

So C-reactive protein is one of the measures of inflammation. The other that’s commonly used for rheumatoid is SED Rate or ESR as it shows up on your blood tests. And my rheumatologist and I always used to pay extremely close attention and put a lot of priority on these C-reactive protein, which in his practice he believed was the very best indicator of disease activity. So if your C-reactive protein tends to follow your inflammation that you can feel and see physically, then it’s a wonderful tool to use to measure your progress or lack of progress. Unfortunately, the case may be. So you should set some targets. So if you’re on a drug and you are hoping to perhaps not increase that drug or even on the flip side, you’re hoping to decrease that drug, then set a target for what you want your C-reactive protein to be in a period of time. So I would always get two blood tests done between each visit with my rheumatologist. Then when I would see the rheumatologist, I would have a trend going since the last time I saw him. So if I saw him and my C reactive protein last time was, say a 7, I then had two referrals for blood tests and in two months I might be then showing a six and then a four. So it’s clear that I’m going in the right direction and that the medication that I’m taking is adequate.

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So. What’s your C-reactive protein target? Because when you write down the target and have it physically visible on a piece of paper, then it really helps your subconscious mind to attract that for you in the future. And it helps you take actions each day knowing that you have a goal that you’re trying to achieve. So if you’re trying to reduce your selective protein by just a few markers, let’s say from its 15 milligrams per litre down to 13 milligrams per litre, it’s gonna be hard to motivate yourself to get to the gym and get up early to do a little green juice or something like that. But if your target is to halve your C reactive protein and it’s written down on a specific date that it needed to be done by, then if you’re heavily fuelled with that motivation at a much deeper level, because you know that you have this target you’re trying to achieve. You tend to visualise that outcome, and you tend to achieve that outcome much more straightforwardly or at least more successfully than what you would if you really don’t have a specific goal.

So pick a number, write it down, and work towards it. And then that number is much more likely to be reached than if you are just sort of waiting to see what it might be. If your C-reactive protein does not change and it always remains below a nice low figure, then set some physical symptom goals for yourself, maybe that your range of motion with your elbows or your knee flexion is a certain amount, then improvement what it was. Okay. The rest the kids are coming over, I better get off this video. Hope you enjoyed it.

If you want more information, more free videos or want the most comprehensive program for minimizing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Go to www.paddisonprogram.com and it’s time to say goodbye Aiden, say bye bye.


CRP, strategies

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