Reverse Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms With The Paddison Program And Get Your Life Back

Join over 14,000 others and have less joint pain, less swelling, more mobility and more energy with this unique Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis

(watch full video by clicking below)


What Doctors and Rheumatologists Say About The Paddison Program

"Now I just put RA patients straight onto the Paddison Program"

Dr. Michael Klaper

"This Program has helped many of my Rheumatoid Arthritis patients tremendously"

Rheumatologist Micah Yu

"A light for many, many people. I congratulate you"

Rheumatologist Dr. Nisha Manek

"I've recommended this Program many times to my RA patients"

Dr. Alan Desmond

"Clint, if people with RA listen to you they will get well"

Dr. John McDougall

"If you have joint pain the Paddison Program is probably going to work for you, and I’ve referred patients to this Program many times"

Dr. Renae Thomas

Some program results

Get Paddison Program - get a new life

"Off Methotrexate and Sulfasalazine Using Paddison Program"

"I was spending so much money on things and nothing was working. The Paddison Program is cheap, and now I have now been on the Program for 12 months now. No pain or inflammation, totally off all drugs. Blood tests have all been excellent"

- Shaun (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

"Off Prednisone and Humira and Pain Free From The Paddison Program"

"I was diagnosed in 2011 and it wasn't until last year in October that I started the Paddison Program. At that time, I was still in a lot of pain. Most of my symptoms were controlled by heavy medications, which were making me feel sick. And now, six months later, I am pain-free and off all my medications".

- Linda (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

"The Paddison Program Enabled Me to Become Pain Free, Drug Free from Ankylosing Spondylitis"

"My Rheumatologist has now completely withdrawn my need for Methotrexate after having inflammatory arthritis and/or Ankylosing Spondylitis for 11 years.". 

- Katie

Address The Real Cause Of RA To Maximise Health And Minimise Drug Dependency

The standard medical approach is to be aggressive with pharmaceutical drugs. Many of these drugs can have side effects that are as challenging as the disease itself.

Whilst we must keep the inflammation as low as possible, we should also be addressing the underlying cause and stop exacerbating the condition internally.

This is done by healing the gut (more on this below).

Learn Healthier Substitutes For Some Of The Most Counterproductive Medications

NSAID's (like Advil, Voltaren, Nurofen etc) can cause intestinal permeability, quickly exacerbating RA. Taking these drugs usually worsens RA long term. 

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI's) can negatively impact gut bacteria, causing more RA symptoms.

Antibiotic use for RA patients can be very counterproductive to symptoms. In fact,  antibiotic use is linked to the onset Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Prednisone creates intestinal permeability, osteoporosis, vitamin D malabsorption and more. Long term use can be dangerous and result in worse RA symptoms.

RA drugs like NSAID's, PPI's, prednisone and antibiotics can be extremely harmful and worsen the gut environment, thus exacerbating the disease. This results in more RA drugs in a vicious cycle. The Paddison Program can break this cycle.

Heal Your Gut And Heal Your Disease

Studies show that RA Sufferers have low levels of healthy bacteria and an overgrowth of pathogenic "unfriendly" bacteria. The more sever the bacterial overgrowth, the more severe your RA is. This bad bacteria, along with undigested food particles, can get into your bloodstream via a leaky gut.

Your body sends in antibodies against these particles and creates circulating immune complexes which can get lodged in the joints triggering inflammation. Chronic acidosis, from poor dietary habits, lowers pH levels in the synovial tissue which promotes inflammation. Associated with RA sufferers is low stomach acid, resulting in undigested proteins. When undigested proteins enter the bloodstream the body can develop molecular mimicry, mistaking your own tissue's proteins for those entering through the gut wall.

Studies show that persons with RA have poor intestinal mucosal lining, often worse than that of people with intestinal disease, and some RA folks are lacking an epithelium altogether. This digestive disaster is exacerbated by low digestive enzymes, further promoting an under active, highly problematic digestive system that needs a massive overhaul.

The Common Way vs paddison program

Do You Want To Keep Doing What You're Doing, Or Get Better?

Plan A

  • Keep trying drug after drug hoping for a 'cure' while still suffering from tremendous pain and dangerous drug side effects
  • Think there is nothing you can do because doctors say ‘diet has no impact on RA’ and 'nobody ever gets better'
  • Avoid exercise, even though now you’re losing strength, confidence and joint integrity
  • Be skeptical or critical of others who are making progress with their RA because 'it's not really possible'
  • Adopt a ‘victim’ mentality and think all is lost
  • Let Methotrexate, Prednisone, NSAID’s, Antibiotics, Arava, Sulfasalazine, Plaquenil, Humira, Cimzia, Remicade, Enbrel be thy medicine
  • Waste thousands on useless supplements hoping the next one will hold the answer (which it never does).

Plan B - Paddison Program

  • Restore your gut in parallel to your current medical treatments to consequently minimise drug requirements
  • Amaze your Rheumatologist with lower blood inflammation, more mobility, less pain, less swelling.
  • Learn unique cardiovascular and joint-specific exercises that will restore your quality of life
  • Inspire others. Have a positive future. Start living again. Wake up with a new lease on life.
  • Be your own health puppeteer with hope and focus.
  • Let food - and exercise - be thy medicine (and only use pharmaceutical drugs to the extent that your body still needs to)
  • Become smarter. Learn which ones matter and invest only in the few supplements that can help.

More Paddison Program Users Who Have Life-Changing Improvements

  • Reversed RA in the fingers and hands
  • Reclaimed full body use after being hospitalised
  • Gotten off medications safely
  • Restored physical abilities once lost to RA
  • Achieved results while working with their physician
  • Succeeded with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Lupus and more...

Don't Wait Until Your Condition Worsens!

Hot and inflamed joints are worsening. The longer you put off making positive life changes then your condition will continue to worsen. Do you want to begin now, or wait until your joints are even worse before you begin to get well?

our program helped people change their lives

some Paddison Program Results

Methotrexate and predisone

The Paddison Program has helped others helped off methotrexate and predisone

Irina's RA Turnaround


  • Severe RA in the hands
  • Prednisone for RA
  • Methotrexate and Plaquenil
  • Considering biologic drugs


  • 12+ months since last drug
  • 100% Pain free most days
  • Becoming a health coach
  • Back to 'normal living'

Bambi's Rheumatoid Success


  • Severe RA in the ankles
  • Inflammation in the elbows
  • Methotrexate and Plaquenil
  • Almost lost business


  • Vibrant, happy and glowing
  • Ankles allow full movement
  • Down to final MTX tablet
  • Able to work again

Janet Is Off the Drugs


  • She was on Methotrexate
  • Experienced brain fog
  • Fatigued
  • She wanted  more energy


  • Drug free
  • No more sore joints
  • She is now able to exercise
  • She managed stress

Pat Is Now Drug Free


  • Struggled to move
  • Pednisone
  • Methotrexate
  • Arava


  • Drug free
  • Symptom Free
  • Functioning again
  • Enjoying life

Maximum energy

The Paddison Program Has Helped Others Regain Maximum Energy

Katie's Recovery from AS


  • In pain for 11 years
  • Pain in feet and wrist
  • MTX and Sulfasalazine
  • Nausea and indigestion


  • Drug free
  • Pain Free
  • Became a health coach
  • Back to 'normal living'

Penina Is Pain Free From Lupus


  • Feeling extreme pain
  • Sulfasalazine
  • Methotrexate
  • Celebrex


  • Drug free
  • Pain free
  • Her numbers are normal
  • Sharing what she achieved

Roxana Continues to Improve


  • Aggressive Seropositive RA
  • On heavy drugs
  • Very sick and with infection
  • Depressed and feeling lost


  • Living a holistic life
  • Maintains a healthy lifestyle
  • Happy and energetic
  • Can now go hiking frequently

Severe Cases Of Rheumatoid arthritis

The Paddison Program Works For Severe Cases Of Rheumatoid Arthritis - Even Where People Could Not Get Out Of Bed

Linda is Off Prednisone


  • Prednisone for RA
  • Humira for RA
  • Very sick and tired
  • Side-effects of drugs


  • Drug free
  • In control of her health
  • Healthy and fit
  • Back to active lifestyle

Marcel Has Beaten JIA


  • Could not hold a pen and write
  • Not able to play sports
  • Pain in wrists and fingers
  • Diagnosed with JIA at age 11


  • Pain Free
  • Inflammation has not returned
  • He now plays football
  • Enjoying his childhood

Lani Can Race Again


  • Intense Stress
  • Antibiotics
  • Pain in wrists, arms, feet
  • Almost took Plaquenil


  • Marathon finisher
  • Drug free
  • Full of Energy
  • Growing her team

The Paddison Program Works For Severe Cases Of Rheumatoid Arthritis - Even Where People Could Not Get Out Of Bed

Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Naturopaths Recommend The Paddison Program For RA

"I've been working as a chiropractor for over 10 years and have seen several people over the years suffering from chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis and I understand the full destructive nature of this disease.

Recently I have become aware of the Paddison Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis and I suggested it to one of my patients who decided to give it a try. A few months later she came back to my clinic and her physical and emotional state had improved dramatically. Although she is not off her medications completely, she has made a tremendous improvement and to this day she swears by the program.

I now wholeheartedly recommend this program immediately to anyone with RA - it genuinely gets remarkable results."

Mark Whitfield, Chiropractor

Corrective Chiropractic, Brisbane AUS

"I am a physioterapist who has a patient who started on your programme & found it was fantastic. I am now recommending it to all of my patients with RA. "

Catherine Millar, Physiotherapist

Refresh Physio, Wellington NZ

"I am a Naturopathic Doctor and owner of the 03 Institute in Costa Rica. We at the 03 Institute are committed to helping others to achieve and maintain the highest level of health possible. We provide assistance through education, herbal support and internal cleansing programs. The only external program I recommend to my patients with RA is the Paddison Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis. In fact, I insist that they begin this program before I commence treatment at our clinic. I am a firm believer in the process of healing the intestines in this manner and this is where disease begins and ends."

Teo Tomas, Naturopath

Costa Rica

"I have been spreading the word about your program. I have full faith that what you guys are doing is bang on track. I ran into a RA patient of mine who had been on the program for 7 weeks and has been feeling good - no flare ups since! You guys are awesome!

Lisa Barnett, Physiotherapist

Inbalance Physio, Launceston AUS

"The Paddison Program treats the disease through healing the gut, rather than treating the symptoms which is all drugs can offer"

Richard Matthews Expert In Gut Bacteria and Human Health

Dr. Richard Matthews

Get Started On Your New Journey Towards Wellness

The Paddison Program will walk you step-by-step through changes that will literally improve your life

  • Learn the real cause of RA and how to address it immediately
  • Reduce your pain in days without expensive supplements or drugs
  • Easy-to-follow dietary program taking you through 5 Phases of healing
  • Drug details to show you which ones actually make your disease WORSE
  • Strategies for drug reductions by working with the Program and your doctor
  • Develop a complete wellness approach to life
  • Unusual exercises for pain relief and joint healing
  • Comprehensively backed by scientific studies (all provided for reference)
  • Recommended by many Rheumatologists, Doctors and Complementary Practitioners
  • 100% money back guarantee (because this program works. It's that simple)
PP for RA eBook Cover

Rated an average of 8.9/10 from a survey of over 600 users!

You Will Also Get All Of The Following Bonuses!:

How To Get Off Methotrexate

Multiple Recipe Videos

How To Eliminate Anaemia

How To Reverse RA in the knees

Stop Bone Mineral Loss

How To Support A Loved One With RA

How To Eat Out At Restaurants

Exercise For RA Reversal

Introduction to Yoga for RA

Why This System Will Work For You While Every Other Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Approach Has Failed

  • The Paddison Program was created by someone with immense RA experience - This system was created by someone who had the worst possible RA for years  and tried every possible solution. This meant identifying what the science says about Rheumatoid Arthritis and diet, exercise, stress, supplements and counterproductive medications without taking for granted what others were saying.
  • The Paddison Program is founded on detailed medical evidence - With over 200 published scientific publications referenced in this Program, it is the single most targeted and researched RA-reversal system in history. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended by some of the world's most highly admired medical doctors. You can't argue with the science.
  • The Paddison Program can be done in parallel with your existing medical plan - Are you currently on medications prescribed by your Rheumatologist? Great! Stick to that and get started with the Paddison Program in parallel. This double-barrel approach is extremely successful. Later, medication dosages and frequency can be reviewed with your Doctor - but for now, just start improving!
  • The Paddison Program is has worked phenomenally well for thousands of others - With over 10,000 users of the Paddison Program now across 61 countries, it's the leading natural treatment for inflammatory arthritis conditions and the benchmark that is likely to become the standard natural approach worldwide. Results are undeniably impressive, consistent and sustainable when adhering to the principles that you will learn about when you begin.
  • The Paddison Program is a holistic solution - This isn't just a dietary plan - this is the 'how to' approach to manage every single aspect of your disease so that you get a tremendous outcome like nothing you've ever experienced before. Diet alone will not cure your RA!
  • The Paddison Program is a permanent solution - Unlike other approaches, The Paddison Program results will not fail you over time. This approach is designed to set you up for the rest of your life to have better health and less pain.
  • The Paddison Program is a practical solution - Easy to follow, easy foods to source, easy troubleshooting guides and easy to access - everything you need to implement into your life without complication.
  • The Paddison Program is a natural and safe solution - No harsh drugs to add to your body. Unlike the harsh and potentially dangerous approach of adding more medications, the Paddison Program is 100% natural and all aspects of your health are likely to improve in parallel to your joint improvements. We've seen asthma, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, rosacea, acne and many other non-autoimmune conditions improve dramatically (or resolve entirely) in parallel to the autoimmune condition
  • The Paddison Program is a easy to understand - Written in a way you can understand, yet with all the scientific evidence so you know you're getting the real information. Step by step, with daily videos for the first 12 days and other key components. You will enjoy a single one-stop-shop for healing your inflammatory arthritis.
  • The Paddison Program has a support option - You can actually choose to get support with Clint Paddison personally, and have private coaching with your personal circumstances, including monthly live calls, or discuss them in the Paddison Program Support Forum. Choose "Support" during the purchase process to upgrade.
  • The Paddison Program is followed by Doctors themselves - When the Dr becomes the patient, the Paddison Program is the place they turn. Dozens of medical professionals now follow the Paddison Program.

With Rheumatoid Arthritis you have to take massive action. Hoping it will go away will fail you as it has done before. Only YOU can choose if you want to educate yourself and implement the required changes.

Yes! I Want Instant Access Now!

I understand that I'll receive instant access to:

PP for RA eBook Cover

The Paddison Program eBook

The most comprehensive guide of Reversing joint pain that has ever been created. Learn how to reverse Rheumatoid Arthritis step by step. You'll understand what causes this disease, and every aspect of the healing process.

Paddison Program Recipe eBook

Exquisite meal plans that make eating a joy, getting you healthier now and keeping you that way in the future. The family will want to get involved!

Scientific Studies eBook

Medical references, and explanations surrounding why this process works to reverse symptoms and restore health. 

Reintroduction Guide

What to eat, when to eat, and why. A simple, 1 page document to make life easy after day 12.

Rheumatologist Guide

Complete justification the Paddison Program based on scientific studies that your Rheumatologist will want to see. Extraordinarily comprehensive, it will be an eye opener for many doctors and help them come on board.

Troubleshooting Guide

Hit a road block or not healing fast enough? We've got you covered across the board with this troubleshooting guide that give you solutions to all temporary problems (covering foods, supplements, exercise, stress reduction and even medication considerations)

Step-by-Step Videos

Follow the daily videos as you are doing the Program so that you get everything 100% correct and get maximum pain relief. You'll also receive tips and encouragement from Clint Paddison keeping you informed of what to expect on each and every day.


Advanced Package Materials

How to restore a knee from Rheumatoid Arthritis

52 min

Step by step guide to eliminating pain and swelling, along with the rehabilitation process to strengthen the ligaments, tendons and supportive muscles.

How to Eat Out at Restaurants

40 min

Learn how to enjoy foods at restaurants without triggering food sensitivities and without increasing pain.

How to Eat Out at Restaurants


Never chose the wrong sort of restaurant or the wrong sort of foods again. Eat happily and remain pain free.

How to Support A Loved One With RA

32 min

Essential viewing for your partner, loved one and the whole family. Learn how the support network for someone with RA can contribute enormously to their getting well in 8 easy steps.

How to Get Off Methotrexate

30 min

In this video you will learn the step by step strategy that was devised my myself and my Rheumatologist to get me off Methotrexate. It has also been used by Paddison Program clients who are taking this drug

How to Alkalize Fast Through Foods

15 min

In this video you will learn about acid/alkaline changes in the body and how these influence Rheumatoid Arthritis, digestion and bone health.

Yes! I Want The Paddison Program To Reverse My RA Symptoms Fast

Some program results

Get Paddison Program - get a new life

"Using the Paddison Program I Cut Methotrexate dose in half"

"It's been absolutely amazing. I feel 110% better than I have in years by just following the Paddison Program guidelines. My doctor has reduced the methotrexate in half". 

- Lyn

"Elimination of Ankylosing Spondylitis and drug free via the Paddison Program"

"And literally by the second day of starting that the initial 10-day component, I was like symptoms gone. You know, my neck was swiveling, in fact I couldn't keep swiveling my neck. I just couldn't...I had to pinch myself haha! And just haven't looked back. ". 

- Cherie

"Switched from Paleo to Paddison to become pain free"

"Shifting from Paleo to the Paddison Program  made me totally pain free and I avoided medications entirely. My blood test results are phenomenal (reversing CRP and RF) ". 

- Erika

"I'm now overdosing on nutrition, not drugs, thanks to the Paddison Program!"

"The Paddison Program turned my life around, now I'm drug free. It is not hard, there is a step by step process and I say, it's up to you. It's your perception of the bad situation. You either can complain and cry and not do anything about it or you can say, "What is this challenge gonna teach me? What can I learn? What can I change?" This can be a blessing for you. So it's my attitude. "

- Roxana

"Blood inflammation tests now back to normal"

"I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 2 years ago. I changed my diet (and exercise) dramatically (Paddison Program), as an alternative to the heavy drugs I was encouraged to take. My last blood tests were basically normal - but I will continue to eat the way I have learnt. Its an amazing program and incredible value" 

- Victoria

Answer these Questions

How will your joints be in 1 year from now? 5 years from now?  The answer to that is largely in your hands. By healing your gut you can be the creator of your own destiny and not stuck on the escalating drug path forever. RA doesn't improve randomly on it's own - it's a progressive and aggressive disease - are  you ready to take control of your future?

Are you sick to death of the pain?  Without a word of a lie the Paddison Program can give you unbelievable pain relief within a few days from now. But you have to start now!

Do you want to get off the horrible drugs? Even the 'little' drugs like pain killers do you terrible damage on the inside! You can learn right now how to stop doing yourself so much harm, how to substitute these harmful drugs for less damaging options, and how to do yourself so much good instead.

How much do you want to heal?  Do something for yourself for once. Trust your instincts. This is a program that has been applauded my medical professionals around the globe and has changed the lives of thousands of people with your disease. You have nothing to lose except terrible debilitating pain that is holding you back and putting your life on hold.

Get Instant Access to The Paddison Program

Stop the Pain. Stop the Confusion. Stop the vicious cycle of more and more drugs: click the button below to get instant access to The Paddison Program

100% Money Back

30 Day No Question Asked Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you aren't satisfied then you may ask for a full refund.

"I guarantee that this product will deliver great insights, strategies and results like nothing you can ever seen. If you aren't satisfied you can get your money back."

still have questions?


What Is The Paddison Program?

The Paddison Program is a step-by-step guide for adults with autoimmune arthritis. It includes comprehensive details on diet, exercise, supplements, stress reduction that is based on published scientific evidence. Guidelines are easy to follow, supported by daily videos and can be done in any country. So far over 10,000 people have adopted this program and results for many have been life-changing. 

How Much Is The Program?

Only $147/year which includes all of the training, live members Q&A calls with Rheumatologists, live call replays, video solutions database (over 900 videos) - everything you need to reverse inflammation and rebuild your life - for less than $3 / week. Cancel at any time.

Can I Eat At Restaurants With Friends While I Do The Paddison Program?

Yes. After you complete the first few weeks there is a module inside your membership that explains how you can eat at restaurants successfully.

Can I Do The Paddison Program If I Am Thin And Underweight?

Yes. There are modifications on diet and there are guidelines to follow to help build muscle mass. With time, it is possible to gain muscle.

My CRP and ESR are normal. Have others done well on this Program with these conditions?

Absolutely. It's good that your markers are low and you don't need to be able to measure your CRP or ESR to be able to experience maximum benefits from the Program.

Can The Paddison Program Reverse My Joint Damage?

The negative impact of the joint damage can be minimised by strengthening the connective tissue around the affected joint, and reducing tendonitis. Both of these benefits are the aims of the Exercise component that is covered inside the Paddison Program. This can alleviate a lot of discomfort from damaged joints, and attenuate further damage from occurring.

Can I Do The Paddison Program If I Have A Full Time Job?

Yes. Most people have a full time job and follow the Paddison Program with great success. It just requires a little planning at first, but all components can be done with a job and results can still be astounding.

Rheumatologist's Guide.

Yes! First choose the Paddison Program Advanced Package. Next, during the purchase process select the upgrade for Rheumatoid Support (which is a special offer for new Advanced Package users).

I Live In A Non-Western Country Can I Still Do It?

This program has changed the lives of people across the globe from Africa to Australia, from China to Canada and from India to Indonesia. So you will find the program very adaptable to your region with modifications for you to get massive results with your health

Does The Paddison Program Work For Other Autoimmune Diseases?

Yes. The Paddison Program has had tremendous success for adults with psoriatic arthritis, lupus, crohns, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis and many more. Many of the success stories with these conditions have appeared on the Rheumatoid Solutions podcast and shared their stories. 

Will The Paddison Program Work For Me?

Yes, this will work for you just like it has for thousands of others with RA.

Can I Do The Paddison Program And Stay On My Medications?

Yes, in fact the program is designed to be done in conjunction with your existing medical plan. You'll learn the steps to taper medications safely if you meet the clear guidelines provided in the Program and that's what you and your Rheumatologist believe is the right thing for you to do.

Is This A Just A Diet?

No. Diet alone will not reverse your Rheumatoid Arthritis. This Program addresses every aspect healing RA, 40% of which has nothing to do with what you eat.

How long is the Program?

The Program is a 12 day elimination diet, followed by 30 days of reintroduction of foods. Thereafter, most people stay close to the guidelines since they are greatly improved and do not wish to reinstate symptoms with their old patterns.