August 18

Can you use pH test strips to measure the success of your Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet?

When on a Rheumatoid arthritis diet, you can test the human body pH level in a couple of ways. Saliva-based methods are very inaccurate and there are also urine pH test strips, which are also quite inaccurate.

The reason why these can be inaccurate is that your pH level can vary throughout the day, even when you are in great health. The level can vary depending on your fluid intake, what you have eaten, and when you undergo the test.

For instance, taking a urine test before and after a meal can show very different results. And sometimes even the same urine sample tested twice on different strips can also show different pH levels.

​How Can We Measure the Human Body pH Level?

Instead of looking at the pH levels of your urine, it may be a better approach to focus on what foods create the right acid-alkaline balance within the body. Food intake is known to have an effect on acid-alkaline levels.

This is supported by a great number of scientific articles and can help you get your rheumatoid arthritis diet right.

​Is an Acid-Alkaline Balance Helpful for your Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet?

There is an extensive number of food lists available online for acid-alkaline diets. These diet lists can be quite variable and conflicting, so in the Paddison Program dashboard, we have produced a video and supporting information for you to learn about the alkaline balance.[1]

This is a guideline, to support the healthy changes you make for your rheumatoid arthritis diet. However, it is not the main strategy for trying to select foods and get well. But it can be helpful.

​The Best Method for Testing Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom Reversal

Although you can test human body pH level with urine test strips, we don’t recommend this. Instead, monitor the improvement in your rheumatoid arthritis by the blood test results of C-reactive protein (CRP) and Sed rate (ESR) from your health professional and focus on improving your health and diet.

[1] Remer T, Manz F. Potential renal acid load of foods and its influence on urine pH. J Am Diet Assoc. 1995 Jul;95(7):791-7. doi: 10.1016/S0002-8223(95)00219-7. PMID: 7797810.


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