The Science Supporting The Paddison Program
The Paddison Program is founded on published scientific evidence regarding diet and exercise interventions for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. A 2017 literature review promoted diet management for Rheumatoid Arthritis as "a tool that can both supplement and complement present treatment strategies for a better patient health and recovery”. Likewise, exercise for RA is strongly encouraged in the medical literature since “There is a need for interventions that support RA patients in overcoming barriers to physical activity and exercise and help sustain this important health behaviour”. Evidence-based guidelines regarding medication impact, stress reduction and supplementation - which are also covered in the Paddison Program - provide RA patients more clarity and direction to have an improved health outcome.

Diet and Rheumatoid Arthritis
A vegan diet can reduce symptoms of RA for by helping to restore the imbalance in the gut microbiome that occurs in RA patients. The improvement in gut profile improves the RA outcome.
The results are fast, in one study only four weeks were needed to change gut flora and achieve positive disease outcomes on a vegan diet, reinforcing the connection between a plant-based diet, fecal microbial flora, and disease activity in RA patients. Kjeldsen-Kragh reported similar results from a controlled, single-blind study.
The results are sustainable, with a 2 year follow up with better outcomes in the restricted diet group of RA patients.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is underpinned by oxidative stress which is lower for those following a plant-based diet. This is likely due to the potentially greater antioxidant intake from plants, and lower fat intake of non-animal eaters, as fat intake is linked to oxidative stress levels.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is improved with appropriate exercise and because this is emphasised within the medical literature it is a key component of the Paddison Program. Exercise is highly effective since it improves the microbiome [ref, ref, ref] and reduces markers of oxidative stress thereby addressing two underlying RA factors.
What Do Rheumatology Experts Say?
Dr. Leonard Calabrese, M.D., is an expert in Immunology and Rheumatology. He is a Professor of Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University and Vice Chair of the Department of Rheumatic and Immunologic Diseases. He recommends a plant-based diet.
Rheumatologist Dr Nisha Manek, M.D., works with RA patients and is familiar with the Paddison Program content. Dr. Manek interviewed Clint Paddison and says “Clint, you have really given a light for many, many people...I think you should be congratulated”.
Doctors Have Succeeded Treating RA Patients Using Similar Foundations
Dr. McDougall has cared for thousands of patients for 5 decades. He has published in the medical literature that a low fat plant-based diet significantly improves the outcome of patients with RA. Here are 10 examples of his own patients who have shared their stories.
Dr. Monica Aggrawal, M.D. Board Certified Cardiologist, Director of Cardiology at the University of Florida has Rheumatoid Arthritis and has normalised her inflammation markers, and now educates others, using similar guidelines.
Dr Michael Klaper who was awarded the inaugural Plantritrion Project Luminary Award in 2017 for his decades of service has treated Rheumatoid Arthritis patients for over 40 years frequently suggests the Paddison Program to his Rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Further Medical Professional endorsement:
Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., Director of the Cardiovascular Prevention and Reversal Program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute (and personal cardiologist to Former US President Bill Clinton) has personally endorsed a Paddison Program recipe book, written by Iida van der Byl-Knoefel after she recovered from inflammatory arthritis (by following the Paddison Program!)
Countless Real Success Cases From The Paddison Program
Success stories derived from the Paddison Program are abundant, and have been published on independent online platforms such as Forks over Knives (Erika and Iida) whilst over 100 others have been self-told in personal (unpaid) testimonial style episodes of the Paddison Podcast on inflammatory arthritis - and scores more endorsements provided for open sharing on the Paddison Program website. Some successful clients have shared their inspirational results at international events and have gone on to build successful businesses helping others using a similar approach.
Since 2014 The Paddison Program has been highly effective at producing content to help Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers make good lifestyle choices. The Paddison Program has been fueled by immensely positive feedback, including great support from leading medical Doctors with expertise in treating this condition. The Paddison Program is ideal for proactive people seeking ways to reduce pain in parallel to their medical care and have a happier, healthier life.